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寂静之海[电影解说] 797播放 已完结


  • 主演: 未知
  • 导演: Andrej Landin 
  • 分类: 国产剧
  • 地区: 美国 
  • 年份: 2013 
  • 2023-08-22
  • 短评:   Alexander, a lone cosmonaut, is adrift in orbit around Earth. He has lost communications and life-


  Alexander, a lone cosmonaut, is adrift in orbit around Earth. He has lost communications and life-support systems are dwindling fast. At the same time in Italy, a radio engineer is working the night shift. He discovers a voice amidst the empty static. It is Alexander's emergency transmission, carried across space from his dying capsule. Over one night these two men are bonded, but their new found friendship, might not last the night.


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